Strategic management of hospital infrastructures
ROSMIMAN® Healthcare automates most of the technical and logistical functions performed by the maintenance and administration staff, in order to manage infrastructures, services, energy management, supplies, waste, as well as technical, biomedical and computer equipment.
Discover our solutions
Configure the add-ons you need and display only those product functionalities that are needed at any time during each evolution stage of your business.
BIM Models and Digital Twins
We provide Maintenance and Facility Management teams with access and use of complex BIM models of hospital infrastructures and facilities, for a practical and operational exploitation, easily and intuitively, without changing applications and from the ROSMIMAN ® IWMS system user interface. You can navigate the 3D model and access all related information through bidirectional correlation workflows of data connected between the hospital BIM model and the Asset Management, Maintenance and Facility Management system.
Smart document management and technical-legal databases

Manage all documents related to hospital assets and infrastructures, services, administration, contractual, technical-legal, legal inspections, maintenance, certifications, contracts, licenses, patrimonial documents etc. and keep them updated dynamically and in real time with dashboards and compliance degree indicators.
Access the most comprehensive technical-legal maintenance database on the market, unifying in a single repository all current regulatory systems at national and local levels for any type of structure or asset. You can compose your technical-legal preventive maintenance plans in one click to keep regulatory maintenance operations up to date and comply with current regulations. We will notify you about regulatory changes so that you can keep your technical-legal maintenance plans permanently updated.
Savings and Benefits by using our solutions
Smart solutions as a service
Obtain a substantial enhancement on your objectives for all your areas of activity, from the reduction and control of maintenance costs of the facilities, to the improvement of workspace management, facilities efficiency, energy management and patient satisfaction.
- Energy and supply savings. Prediction and rationalisation of consumption.
- Improvement on the regulatory compliance degree.
- Improved availability and increased reliability of assets and facilities.
- Optimisation and use of spaces sorted by technical units and areas.
- Improvement in operating processes established on the inventory.
- Optimisation of maintenance plans. Improvement in planning and anticipation of tasks and consumption.
- Optimisation in using tangible and intangible assets.
- Control of expenses generated in each process to achieve optimisation and savings objectives.
- Significantly higher user satisfaction rates.
- Improvement in compliance with indicators and SLAs (Service Level Agreement).
- Quality control of complementary services: cleaning, security, comfort, air conditioning and the environment.
Key maintenance performance indicators under European Standard EN 15341:2007
(*) Percentages obtained on the installed base of our current clients in hospital management, primary and residential care centers.
ROSMIMAN® Healthcare Analytics for Physical assets
Use the powerful systems of data mining and advanced analytics in real time with INTERACTIVE and VISUAL graphics that we provide integrated into our solutions.
Evaluate and communicate strategic actions. Analyze performance.
Promote good practices and measure their progressivity.
Advanced analytics
ROSMIMAN® Healthcare Analytics provides you with an extensive of report library and interactive dashboards under EN 15341:2007 and Balanced Scorecard (BSC) for compliance with the European Quality Model (EFQM) in relation to the performance of all areas of management and performance of asset maintenance and health infrastructures.

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