Company statement in support of our clients involved in the management of the COVID-19 crisis


In this serious and complex situation for everyone, especially for professionals in the Healthcare and Pharmaceutical sectors and related service providers, we offer from IDASA SISTEMAS our full support and solidarity.

To our Clients in these sectors, our full collaboration and priority to their requests. We are 100% OPERATIONAL for them, supporting the maintenance and management of their facilities and production lines information systems, hoping and wishing that together we can overcome this difficult situation.


The Pharmaceutical Sector is among those facing the first line of fight against COVID-19. We share a communication from our client ALMIRALL in order to contribute to its dissemination and provide all our support:

For more than 75 years, Almirall has been focused on providing solutions to help improve lives of patients. With this objective in mind, we have been closely following the spread of COVID-19 to ensure we can continue helping patients cope with their diseases without disruption, while protecting our employees. The current situation affects us all, without exception. At Almirall, our key priority, is  to help minimize the impact this is having  on patients and healthcare professionals. To do so, we are putting all our efforts into ensuring  continuity of our essential medicines. As of today, all our manufacturing facilities are at full capacity and we have increased the production capabilities of specific medicines, such as paracetamol, which specifically address  symptoms of patients affected by COVID-19. Since the beginning of this crisis, we have been adapting our protocols and operations to face this historic challenge in the best possible way. In early February, Almirall announced the postponement of this year’s Skin Academy congress, in order to guarantee the safety of the more than 600 healthcare professionals that were planning to attend. Following this, we canceled or postponed all of our other events, which we will resume as soon as the risk has subsided. In addition, we are working on and collaborating with healthcare workers, local communities and governments in Europe to provide medicines and solutions to help mitigate the adverse effects of COVID-19, as well as to offer support to the medical community as a whole. To that end, we are making charitable contributions to fight this global emergency through a number of actions across our affiliates: in Germany, we are working on partially repurposing our production facilities to start producing sanitizing gel early next week; if successful, those will be distributed to medical professionals as soon as possible. In Spain, where we are donating protective clinical equipment (masks, gloves, coats, etc), I was  humbled to hear that a group of our colleagues in the manufacturing plants had opted to use masks and gowns that were less comfortable so that other supplies could be sent to nearby hospitals for  healthcare provider’s use. In Spain,  we are also providing Blastoactiva and Balneum topical creams to hospitals to help professionals reduce dry and damaged skin caused by masks, repeated handwashing and the use of sanitizers. In the United Kingdom, we are donating, as well, Balneum topical cream to hospitals. In addition to that, we have just confirmed our donation to an exciting project led by the Leitat Foundation, based in Catalonia, who are aiming to produce 3D printed respirators as early as next week. We have prioritized safety and infection prevention at all times, both for our employees and for society in general. We are committed to being responsible partners for the medical community and to the patients we serve. Our actions are focused on all those people who have been directly and indirectly impacted by this unprecedented health crisis and they remain in our thoughts. In Almirall we are putting all our talent and efforts to help our patients, healthcare professionals and partners during this crisis, and as always, we will continue to do so  once this difficult situation is over. In spite of these saddening circumstances I am inspired by the solidarity, altruism and generosity this situation has revealed throughout the world: as soon as the storm passes and calm returns, we will be stronger and more united. We wish you and your family health and peace during this difficult time. Peter Guenter Chief Executive Officer

Company statement in support of our clients involved in the management of the COVID-19 crisis

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