ROSMIMAN has been awarded the public tender of B:SM BARCELONA DE SERVEIS MUNICIPALS, a public company of Barcelona City Council


The expected contract execution is six years long and will take place in three phases: the first 18 months for implementation, a second one of system stabilization and a third phase to incorporate new areas and technological improvements.

The local public company B:SM BARCELONA DE SERVEIS MUNICIPALS is responsible for various services and local infrastructures including: underground and aboveground car parks, transports, Fòrum, Park Güell, Barcelona Parc Zoològic, The Olympic Ring, Parc Montjuïc and Tibidabo Amusement Park, among others.

The strategic objectives of B:SM are: maintenance costs reduction, operations improvement, maintenance homogenization and processes standardization in the different divisions and units.

ROSMIMAN consolidates its leading position in Spain with ROSMIMAN® IWMS solutions as leader provider in the information systems sector for Maintenance, Facility Management & Services and also for Smart Cities.

As a local public company for the Barcelona City Council, B:SM BARCELONA DE SERVEIS MUNICIPALS, S.A. is integrated in the definition of “public sector”, with the mission to contribute to the Barcelona city development and improving the citizens and visitors quality of life, managing services ordered by the City Council with efficiency, proactivity, adding value to this management services and optimizing the social and economic profitability.

A Model Company for its contribution to meet citizens’ and Barcelona City Council’s expectations, innovative in management models that are a reference to other cities, and strong corporate values are the basis of the B:SM commitment with society in provisioning services to citizens.

B:SM manages a huge amount of assets and services, therefore the magnitude of this project adds a high complexity level in processes and services with the aim of achieving a high-level quality service:

  • Management of more than 23,000 parking spaces.
  • 1,500,000 annual visitors to the Barcelona Parc Zoològic.
  • 470,000 annual visitors to the Tibidabo Amusement Park.
  • More than 1,400,000 users of The Olympic Ring facilities.
  • Management of over 200,000 actions per day on parking meters and 37,000 preferred spaces.

A B:SM project to look ahead to the future

The aim of optimizing resources and maintaining high efficiency levels of management, generate the need of an asset maintenance management system that offers a high degree of homogenization, standardization and optimization of processes, which allows a global corporate visibility, unifying management systems from different divisions and activities as well as relationships with both internal staff and services subcontractors.

This new approach given by the management of B:SM in order to achieve an integrative model will bring many future benefits as follows:

  • Increase synergies in recruitment and material purchasing.
  • Monitoring of external maintainers.
  • Improve efficiency in maintenance processes.
  • To have unified KPIs.
  • To have a corporate overview of maintenance.
  • Intensive use of new technologies.
  • More efficient and flexible integration with other enterprise systems.
  • To establish itself as a provider of OPENDATA sources and its access and representation on the OpenStreetMap.

The divisions and operating units to be considered in this project are:

  • Car Parks Division which manages regulated parking units (Green / Blue Area) and underground parking.
  • Transport Division which manages the cranes and Bus Stations units.
  • Fòrum division.
  • Park Güell unit.
  • Zoo Division which manages the Barcelona Parc Zoològic.
  • The Olympic Ring division, which manages the Palau Sant Jordi, Estadi Olímpic, Esplanada Olímpica and the Galeries de serveis de l’Anella Olímpica i BTM (Barcelona Teatre Musical).
  • PATSA (Parc d’Atraccions Tibidabo, S.A.) unit.
  • Central offices of the new headquarters.
  • Parc Montjuïc unit, which manages Escalators, Castell de Montjuïc, Edifici Font del Gat, kiosks / bars, public services and Information points.

Strategic objectives

Among the B:SM strategic projects are reducing maintenance costs and improving the operation; for it, the ROSMIMAN® implementation will be a homogenization model of maintenance and processes to terminate the model of spreading both information and systems currently used by different divisions and units.

The optimization in resources and management efficiency will give the B:SM maintenance area the possibility to have a corporate visibility of maintenance internally for all its technical and field teams as well as its external subcontractors allowing to integrate them into its processes with a single information system.

This integrating model based on ROSMIMAN® IWMS technology will bring many benefits as increasing synergies for recruitment and monitoring of external maintainers, purchasing and warehouse optimization, improvement of processes and unified KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) to have a corporate overview of maintenance.



ROSMIMAN has been awarded the public tender of B:SM BARCELONA DE SERVEIS MUNICIPALS, a public company of Barcelona City CouncilWith over 25 years of experience, ROSMIMAN is the leading provider in designing, implementing and developing solutions for Asset management, Maintenance and Facility Management & Services.

With more than 500 companies in 16 countries as clients and a highly-qualified team of professionals and engineers with PMP® certifications, under the best practices of the Project Management Institute (PMI) and PRINCE2 methodologies, to manage, design, build and implement high added value projects to our customers, ROSMIMAN has all the talents, skills, experiences and resources which have shaped what we are: market presence with brand integrity, continued trust and loyalty of our clients and reliable, and committed services for more than 10,000 direct users from 30 different sectors using ROSMIMAN® solutions every day in their companies.

We combine advanced technology and investment in R+D+i, with extensive operational experience, to deliver innovative and practical solutions aimed at maximising the maintenance and facility management operations of our clients. We focus on providing practical, useful, simple, intuitive and user-friendly software solutions, so that the use of technology in business is not an obstacle, understanding the kind of current and future challenges faced by our customers in every industry and activity.


Further information