The City Council of Terrassa is using Rosmiman® Facility Management to dramatically improve maintenance efficiency throughout its school facilities.
- 56 public shools and aducation centers
- More than 14000 assets in equipment, inventory, and other areas.
- Up to 20 asset groups per center
- More than 15000 planned checks of safety and equipment
- 174 operational procedures
- 175 preventive procedures
- Average 20 service related issues per day
- 1 big central warehouse and logistics centre
- 56 local warehouses
- Over 182 systems users
With a population of 214.000 inhabitants and an extension of 70,2 square kilometers the City of Terrassa comprises 56 public schools and education centers.
The managing of Terrassa’s diverse public real estate assets, equipment and infrastructure is being carried out by various public office and organizations under the City Council of Terrasa. Each one of these organization has to comply with its internal procedures and look after its own operating costs according to its own budget and needs. All maintenance activities are carried out by different departments, with little or no interaction between them. This can end up isolating areas of knowledge from one another, increasing duplication of efforts and slowing down the Council’s ability to respond to everyday maintenance and emergencies thoroughly and efficiently. Operating in this manner can end up damaging the Council’s relationships with its local communities, as well as restricting potential for improve in existing and new areas.
For many years, the operations and maintenance tools used were different and many of them were Excel based planning applications, but the technology had become outdated and didn’t provide the comprehensive work order and reporting
capabilities that staff needed to manage projects efficiently from start to finish. With the increasing complexity of technology and more strict rules and regulations new approaches were needed to avoid future managerial disarray.
The need
The city council of Terrassa wanted to unify all information regarding public schools and other public/private institutions and buildings under one system to better manage all real estate assets, equipment and infrastructure. Compiling a detailed inventory of all public and school district facilities and lands was meant to be a first step in developing a complete maintenance plan.
The solution
The City Council of Terrassa selected Rosmiman® Facility Management software for better management of school buildings and grounds.
The physical inventory was carried out fist by 3 teams, specially constituted for the purpose. This inventory included 56 schools of different sizes.
Type of inventory information included:
- General description of the facility
- Facility’s construction type (materials)
- Building pathologies and property valuation
- Current maintenance level and cleanliness status of the facilities
- Level of regulation compliance observed
- Facility Improvement List and Priorities
- Preventive maintenance proposal for equipment and facilities
- Analysis of the proposed changes, cost scenarios and possible alternatives
- Conclusions
Determining inventory hierarchical structure
Three levels of inventory were approved by territorial division:
- Level 1: buildings (principal, secondary)
- Level 2: groups
- Level 3: equipment
Maintenance Workflow
Corrective Maintenance Workflow
- Notification Service (web service or by phone)
- Dispatching Algorithm (requests are sent to its corresponding service center)
- Work Order (dispatching and assignment of work orders)
- Service task execution (by internal staff or external contractors)
- Work Order Closure and billing (time, materials, and associated costs)
- Reports and Statistics (statistics in control panel)
Preventive Maintenance Workflow
- Preventive maintenance plan (schedule of planned maintenance actions including resource planning and costs)
- Work Order Management (automatic dispatching and assignment of work orders)
- Service task execution (by internal staff or external contractors)
- Work Order Closure and billing (time, materials, and associated costs)
- Reports and Statistics (statistics in control panel)
With Rosmiman® Facility Management software, work orders for preventive maintenance are automatically generated and tracked. This has been instrumental in enabling the council to increase the ratio of preventive to reactive work for improved asset reliability and decreased costs. Additionally, maintenance staff can also for the first time identify recurring problems and assess whether it is better to repair or replace an asset.
Operational improvements
- Issue identification and resolution. For many years incidents were reported through different data sources. After the deployment of Rosmiman® Facility Management software all issues are reported through Rosmiman web-based incident center.
- Issues are filtered, triggered and automatically dispatched and assigned to the proper person(s) for completion (members of staff or external contactors). Each change of incident (e.g. status, ownership, action taken, etc.) is logged in the incident history.
- Rosmiman® Facility Management allows for the separate tracking of planned maintenance versus unplanned repair events, and offers detailed scheduling and costing analysis.
- Rosmiman® Facility Management also gives the ability for operators to quickly enter work order requests that can trigger email notifications if need be, for example, email notifications can be triggered when a specific task is behind schedule.
- Rosmiman® Facility Management allows maintenance managers to put together an equipment maintenance calendar which shows maintenance staff which equipment is scheduled for preventive maintenance and when it is scheduled. This also allows them to schedule multiple preventive maintenance tasks on a machine at the same time or close together so that all can be accomplished with minimum disruption at idle times.
- Because all procurement data is processed through one central database, Rosmiman® Facility Management allows relevant analysis and management reports to be easily produced. As well as arming procurement professionals with the information they need to manage effectively, Rosmiman® Facility Management aims to reduce their administrative duties meaning that they can focus more on proactive decision-making.
- Purchase Orders can be generated automatically based on minimum stock levels and re-order settings or very quickly by converting a Purchase Requisition into a Purchase Order. Once raised an order may be electronically authorized with order status easily managed within the Purchase Order Dashboard.
Rosmiman® Facility Management software helped the City Council of Terrassa to manage assets and work more intelligently and to reduce costs. It also improved organizational efficiency; improved budgeting and planning with ability to accurately track costs and overall provided foundational technology to support future business strategies.
- Design, plan, document and deploy efficient and cost effective service management policies.
- Continued support throughout the whole service lifecycle.
- Continuous flow of relevant information for better decision making.
- Beforehand identification and assessment of all service-related resources.
About Rosmiman®
EAM Enterprise Asset Management and CAFM Facility Management software for long and short-term planning, preventive, corrective and condition-based maintenance of all assets, equipment, facilities and infrastructures. Improve the performance of your assets and enhance business competitiveness with Rosmiman® Maintenance Management Software.
Furhter information
For more information about Rosmiman® solutions, please contact your nearest Rosmiman® Regional Sales Office or visit www.rosmiman.com.
Photo: Javier Garcia