With the contract award, by public tender, to ROSMIMAN for the public asset management system of the Barcelona City Council , a double objective is pursued: to have well identified and managed all tangible city assets of any nature and typology, as a basic task for the deployment of a large part of the Smart City initiatives in Barcelona, and to have an integrated and unified management of all elements that need a maintenance to provide a service to the city, and also, helping the daily management.
The asset management system is based entirely on the ROSMIMAN® Smart Cities platform with multiple integrations into existing corporate systems.
The planned execution of the contract is 24 months. Its hiring has been driven from the Barcelona City Council under the Cloud4Cities strategy and provision of Software as a Service (SaaS) modality, at a high-availability architecture initiative led by the municipal corporation to promote the implementation of services and shared ICT solutions in which currently participate more than 10 municipalities of Catalonia, under the principles of collaboration, inter-administrative cooperation and based on the basis of budgetary stability and financial sustainability.
ROSMIMAN consolidates its position in Spain as the leading provider of information systems for global asset management platforms for the Spanish Smart Cities.
Barcelona, among the world´s cities with best smart practices
According to “The Smart City Playbook” report published by Nokia that describes 22 cities in the world that carry out best practices in the field of Smart Cities as leaders in intelligent strategy, Barcelona is the only Spanish city included, been shown as one of the first cities to start its Smart City strategy in 2011 considering it an ‘early adopter’ in terms of including participation in its procedures to enable residents to get involved and vote on projects of urban rehabilitation, use of urban resources, better decision-making and economic development and sustainability, among other initiatives.
The report classifies the smart city development activity of the targeted cities in the study, according to the implemented IoT applications based on three pillars or areas: SUSTAINABILITY – SECURITY – SMARTNESS, and scores the implementation level from 0 to 5, placing Barcelona with a score of 5 in terms of smart projects to gain sustainability, 4 in IoT applications linked to security and 4 in relation to improving the citizens’ quality of life. This is the second city that covers the most points, from the 22 included in the report, only behind New York City.
When it comes to the lessons that the Barcelona´s experience offers to other cities with a ‘smart’ strategy, the report highlights the leadership of its local authorities, strength and with enough vision on the direction that the measures of smart city should take; public-private collaboration, which reduces the investment that must be made by public administrations and, finally, the OpenData city platform, which has driven the development of numerous smart city applications.
Strategic objectives in the Asset Management field for Smart Cities
The strategic objective of this Barcelona City Council´s project can be set, based on the Nokia report, on path 1: Smart Infrastructure & Buildings and path 2: Smart Energy.
The project to be developed by ROSMIMAN seeks to optimise the management of infrastructures and facilities by managing the entire asset lifecycle in a single, complete and comprehensive solution; from their inventories and specifications, to purchasing management and investment and replacement projects, through service requests, their associated work orders, certification processes, space and energy management as well as the management and operation integration of service contractors and their contracts, for delivering services to the citizens from different areas of the Barcelona City Council.
The first phase covers the Urban Ecology, Municipal Buildings and Public Roads areas of all Managements and Districts of the Barcelona City Council including more than 800 buildings, 5,200 fences, 200,00 public lighting elements,1,100 machines, 230 vehicles, and hundreds of thousands of street furniture elements, distributed over the municipal territory to manage all information associated with them, as well as the system integration with more than 20 systems and corporate and specific services.
Subsequently, the rest of Barcelona’s great urban infrastructures will be undertaken, such as the water cycle: Sewerage and Sanitation Networks (already ongoing under asset management smart criteria), fountains and beaches, acoustic control, sound level meters and limiters, road networks, traffic, signage, street furniture, road structures and tunnels, corporate IT infrastructures, Smart City’s IoT sensors and actuators network, and green spaces: parks, trees, playgrounds and sports areas.
Technology, scalability and sustainability at the service of Smart Cities
ROSMIMAN® Smart Cities has been conceived and designed as a platform “collector” of information generated by the city, but also adds the ability to manage that gathered data with the market’s most powerful functional and operational back office and operate it under a 5D SMART CITY™ geospatial data infrastructure model combining TERRITORY/TIME/DATA, basic analysis variables of current emerging SMART CITIES, and integrating technology linked to smart metering, sensorization and IoT systems to identify smart elements.
ROSMIMAN® Smart Cities provides a suite of heterogeneous and specialized applications for vertical deployment of services, with interoperability between them, according to needs and priorities, grouped by areas, with a high degree of specific available functionalities, which can be integrated with different horizontal platforms in order to provide a joint vision with other services and to develop or integrate applications at all levels (current or future vertical services, municipal systems, external third-party applications, connectivity etc.).
Citizens/Territory/Services/Connectivity e Interoperability/Time/Data
The advanced ROSMIMAN® Smart Cities architecture allows collecting data from diverse sources and through software tools such as web services, apps, widgets, OPC protocols, network systems, buses and communications, or directly from networks of sensors, actuators and IoT devices from the city, both proprietary and OpenSource solutions.
The ROSMIMAN® Smart Cities system can be integrated with different horizontal platforms in the market thanks to ROSMIMAN® flexibility to establish rules of treatment and storage of data, in order to share them with the rest of internal and external components (OpenData) and managing them in an comprehensive way, as well as share them with different vertical and specific platforms of different available manufacturers that are currently operative in some of the Barcelona infrastructures. Among them is the SENTILO, platform of sensors and actuators designed to be used in Smart City projects and its boost is led by the Barcelona City Council.
Strategic goals to look ahead
With this contract award, the Barcelona City Council’s set objectives are: technological and economic sustainability, improvement of technical management and exploitation of infrastructures that provide services to citizens. To this end, the implementation of ROSMIMAN® will be a homogenization model of maintenance and processes, ending the current dispersion model of both information and systems currently used in different municipal areas.
The optimisation to achieve in resources and management efficiency will give to the different areas of municipal services the possibility of having a maintenance corporate visibility, both internally for all its technical and field teams as well as for external services subcontractors with the possibility to integrate them into their processes and into a single information system.
This integrative model based on ROSMIMAN® technology will provide numerous benefits such as increased synergies in contracting and monitoring of external maintainers, certification processes, optimization of purchasing and warehouses, improving processes and having unified KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) with the purpose to have a maintenance corporate global view.
ROSMIMAN is currently the leading provider of global asset management platforms for the Spanish SMART CITIES, carrying out, in recent years, the most advanced, relevant and significant projects of our country in the public-sector.
We have the most advanced technology platform and the most complete suite of software solutions in the market. It is worth adding the experience in executing very relevant projects in the Middle East, where we are positioning the product ROSMIMAN® to a high international competitive level, also with implementation of projects in the United Arab Emirates public-sector and Government.
With more than 500 companies throughout the world in 16 countries as clients, we have the Quality and Software development certifications ISO9001:2015 and ISO15504 and a highly-qualified team of professionals and engineers with PMP® certifications, under the best practices of the Project Management Institute (PMI) and PRINCE2 methodologies, to manage, design, build and implement high added value projects to our customers. ROSMIMAN SOFTWARE CORPORATION has all the talents, skills, experiences and resources which have shaped what we are: market presence with brand integrity, ETHICAL commitment in the relationship with our customers, collaborators and suppliers, and all this between a relationship of trust and loyalty as well as reliable, satisfactory and committed services for more than 10,000 direct users from 30 different sectors using ROSMIMAN® solutions every day in their companies and public entities.
ROSMIMAN with corporate headquarters in Barcelona: Avda Diagonal 640, Alicante: Business Elche Park and Abu Dhabi (UAE), provides clients with the technology and knowledge transfer services as a “Software Factory”, providing consulting, training, IT, maintenance, facility management services and SmartCloud for hosting in our own data centers.
We combine advanced technology and investment in R+D+i, with extensive operational experience, to deliver innovative and practical solutions aimed at maximising the maintenance and facility management operations of our clients. We focus on providing practical, useful, simple, intuitive and user-friendly software solutions, as well as top-notch support services so that the use of technology in business is not an obstacle, understanding the kind of current and future challenges faced by our customers in every industry and activity.
With more than 25 years of experience in the development of information systems software for Asset Management, Maintenance and Facility Management, ROSMIMAN represents the most SOLID, SPECIALIZED AND TECHNOLOGICAL proposal in the market.
Furher information
The Smart City Playbook published by Nokia
https://pages.nokia.com/2170.What.Are.Cities.Doing.to.Be.Smart.html (Machina Research Strategy Report The Smart City Playbook: smart, safe, sustainable. Jeremy Green, Principal Analyst November 2016)